Thursday, February 2, 2012

princess club

Freshman year my roommate and I found amazing roommate friends across the hall. And soon enough we established ourselves as the "Princess Club". But all good things must come to end...Stephie ended up transferring to USC without even telling us (bad friend point), Rhea is moving to Australia in T-6 days, and Malia has a boyfriend now. In the midst of all of our busy schedules, when we get together we always have so much fun laughing and catching up. Miss the princess club ):


  1. Thanks Hannie... I feel bad every single time. I'm sorry! I had my reasons then, but now that I look back on it, I should've handled it in a different way.

    Anyway, I love the princess club. You guys are what my made my year at Biola the best. Just because Rhea is leaving, I hope that doesn't mean we have to stop hanging out :(

    Ps. You forget to add that you have a boyfriend now too :)

    Love you.

  2. I love and miss this!!

    Pr1nC3sS cLuB f0r3V3r!! <3

